Table of Contents
Living Healthier, Living Longer
Arteries in the Heart
Eating Healthy
Making Changes
Being Physically Active
Getting More Active
Managing Stress
Making Your Plan
Small Changes, Great Rewards

Lifestyle Changes for a Healthier Heart

Being Physically Active

Just as you need to eat well to stay healthy, you also need to be physically active. People who are active have fewer heart attacks than people who aren't active. You can start being more active by making things you already do more active. This will get you in the habit of moving more. And it will get you ready to try new things to be even more active.

Physical Activity and Your Heart

Did you know?

  • The heart is a muscle. Physical activity keeps it strong. If the heart isn't strong, it can't pump as well. This reduces blood flow and increases the risk of heart disease and heart attack.
  • Lack of physical activity can also be linked to weight gain. Excess weight and lack of physical activity increase the risk of diabetes and some cancers.

Keeping active helps reduce your health risks.

  • It improves cholesterol levels.
  • It helps lower blood pressure.
  • It helps you control your weight. Losing even a few pounds reduces your risks for heart disease and diabetes.
  • It reduces stress.
  • Other benefits: It helps keep your bones and muscles strong. This helps you stay active as you age. It may also help you sleep better and think more clearly.

What's Holding You Back?

What's keeping you from being active? Count how many of the following statements are roadblocks for you.

  • I don't have enough time.
  • I'd have to find a babysitter for the kids.
  • It's either too hot or too cold to exercise.
  • I get bored doing the same thing every day.
  • I don't like exercising alone.
  • I don't have the right shoes or clothes.
  • I travel for work so I can't keep a regular exercise schedule.

The more statements you counted, the more roadblocks you see to getting active. But there are many more ways to be active than you may think. And there are simple ways around these roadblocks. Read on to find ways you can enjoy being active as part of your daily life.

Start Where You Are

Take a minute to look at your day. Could you make the way you do some things more active? This is the first step toward keeping active for your heart.

Add Some Movement

A more active life starts with a few small steps that become habits. Here are some ideas:

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.
  • Park at the far end of the parking lot. Then walk to the mall or the grocery store. Or walk to do some of your errands instead of using the car.
  • Get up and walk to a coworker's office rather than sending an e-mail or calling on the phone.
  • Wash and wax the car instead of driving through the car wash.
  • Dance to music while you do household chores. Or wash the windows or floors.
  • Use a push mower to cut the lawn. Or pull weeds.

The idea is to build movement into the things you already do. That way you can be more active—without having to find more time, get a babysitter, or buy special clothes. And you can vary what you do, so you don't get bored.

Making ChangesGetting More Active